With the additional LED Torchlight features for night movement and the vibration when sensing tags, CNT Surveillance’s Guard Tour System is the next generation for Patrolling System.
The guard tour system is used to ensure that all appointed areas are checked and none are left out. The system will keep track of the appointed areas, the time that it was checked as well as who checked the areas. In the event of an accident, the management can easily track who last checked the area and the time that it was checked.

The management will plan the route for the areas to be checked and install the tags on each checkpoint. The employee that is running the check will first tag their Guard ID using the reader and they are ready to begin the tour. Upon reaching each checkpoint, the employee will scan the tags installed and it will be recorded in the data. To ensure that the Guard Tour System is user-friendly and durable, the system consist of the features below:
- LED Torchlight for night movement
- Vibration for Guard to sense Tagging LED light to identify tag-scan
- Fast scanning (2 seconds)
- Batteries can be easily bought off the shelf
- Patrol pouch will be provided for ease of handling
- Weather-proof for rough handling
This system, as its name suggests, is often used by security guards when patrolling a property. However, it can be used by different industries. These are some of the possible ways to utilize the guard tour system:
- Routine check on patients in hospitals
- Routine check on working condition of machinery
- Housekeeping in hotels and hospitals
- Cleaning and maintenance services
- Area manager visiting different outlets